Friday, December 17, 2010

been a while to say the least.

I can't believe it has been so long between posts! I swore I wasn't going to be a slacker. :P Oh well. I have a PRETTY good "excuse" for my absence.

Lillian Norah-Grey Harris graced us with her presence on September 25th at 9:27PM after 10 hours of labor and basically, no pushing. :) She came out SO fast after transition hit. She weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20in. The smallest of my three beautiful girls. :)

IT HAS BEEN CRAZY, INTENSE, INSANE, DRAMA, since we came home from the hospital! Lillian refused to sleep at night for the first 2.5 months. :P But she is doing very well now. I get at the least 6 hours at a stretch. THANK YOU JESUS.

Well. There are so many things I want to post...but I feel like getting on my soap-box regarding donating to charities. I posted on Facebook that I will be making a donation to The Marjaree Mason Center on December 23rd...and well, let's just say I haven't gotten a very good response from people. Which I just don't understand. I know SO many of my friends and family who have SO much...and I see them spending money on going to movies, concerts, fast food, clothes they don't need, shoes they don't need, candy, etc, etc, etc, and they are totally ignoring the needs of others. I have been doing the same, don't get me wrong. I'm no saint. But I just can't help but get ANGRY. I guess my question is: WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO LET GO OF THEIR STUFF/MONEY and GIVE to the NEEDY!?! Not to mention abused mother's and their abused infants/children!?!

ALL I am asking for is 1 pack of diapers, and 1 can of formula. If you get the cheap Target brand diapers you'll pay anywhere from $6.14 to $14.79 per pack. That right there, is about 2 days of fast food for most. The formula is anywhere from $15.99 to $30.00. That's a movie and snacks, or a new pair of shoes. How does this not make sense to anyone??? You can't let go of your selfish ambitions for 1 or 2 days!?! ::sigh:: Anyway...I guess that's all I have to say about that.

...I JUST WANT TO SEE PEOPLE GIVE...NOT TAKE. FOR me, and the world around you...that there are still good people in the world who care. Aspecially us know who you are...

I say this all in LOVE.

Let's make this a really great Christmas for some wonderful families everyone. Do what you can! Even if it's small. It doesn't matter. Let's Give, and Love.

I'm done.

Monday, August 2, 2010

illness. awkward pregnancy symptoms. a laughing matter?

i'm peeing like a man with a swollen prostate. it takes me a good 5 minutes to empty my bladder completely, and then 20 minutes later, i have to do it again. :/ my uterus is so heavy that my bladder is a complete pancake. :# i laugh every time i go pee...thankfully...just gotta keep laughing. orrrrrr i might go even more CUH-razy than i already am. :D

i've been sick for a handful of days now. sore throat. fatigue...yadda, yadda, yadda. now my thyroid is swollen. feels like a huge marble jammed in my windpipe. bleh! you know...just in case dealing with all my pregancy syptoms wasn't enough for me. raWr!

macie is fully potty trained. :) she can go all on her own. get's her little step stool, does her thing, flushes, washes her hands all on her own. :D soooo nice to not have to change 2 sets of diapers!!! too bad i'll be back to it in a matter of weeks. :P oh well, a break is always nice.

odessa is walking. :) she started the day of my amazing baby shower that my friend amber moe threw for me. a mad hatter tea party! :D so much fun! i <3 alice in wonderland. she is still a little bit shy about it, tries to cheat by holding on to things, but she's got it! it's so great being a stay at home mom. getting to witness all these milestones. :)

ahhhh my ears just popped! yessssss. sweeeet relief! i hate when my ears are all plugged. throws me off. bleh...

well, time to "cook" dinner. pb&j or mac 'n' cheese again? thank God for frozen veggies too...:P

Monday, July 26, 2010

over it

i still have 2 full months before the baby is due. . .

. . .i'm so over it. the mood swings are out of control. & so is macie.

today she thought that ignoring every single word i said would be a great idea! >:[ normally, i would be posting a blog all about discipline tactics...but today...i'm crying out for help!

please share any and all ideas on how to control a 2 year old with a temper!!!

on a lighter note...Odessa can say: taco, book, thank you, dada, & mama (when she feels like it) is so cute to watch macie try to get her to talk. :) i just hope macie doesn't teach her to say "you a b". . . . .

. . . .siiiiigh. . . .off to my BED.

enseignez-moi à aimer quand je ne peux pas

goodnight neverland.

Friday, July 23, 2010

cupcakes for breakfast

i love cupcakes.
a little bit TOO much.
so much so, that this morning i ate 2 for breakfast. yep. don't judge! you know you've done it too. at least ONCE in your life! :) nothing like a tall, freezing cold glass of milk, and a warm, moist(yeah, i said it...) sweet, frosted cupcake of glory in my mouth!!! much for a healthy pregnancy diet. psshhh..whateves!

macie tattled on odessa today. it went like this: me-"macie! please stay out of the cupboard! you need to obey mommy and daddy's rules!" macie-"okay mommy" ... ... ... then i hear this: macie-"odessa! dessie! dessa! no! no! no! no!" me-"what's going on, macie? why are you yelling at your sister?" macie-"odessaaaa waaaaaas breakiiiing the RUUULLLESSSS!!!" "mommyyyyyyyyyyy! dessa is naughty and breaking the rules" and it had begun.

in other news, macie has pink eye. woke up, was getting her dressed, and realised something was a bit off...what could it b...OH! dear lord!!! macie's right eye was swollen so badly she looked like she was stung by a bee or something. along with the gooey eye boogers. ugh. ::shudders:: had to do hot compress and call the doctor. ::sigh:: there went my day...30 minutes in the waiting room, a care bear sticker, and $50 bucks in prescriptions later we were home and thus began the battle to get macie to nap. that's a whole different blog...::yawns::...thinking about it makes me even more tired than i already am.

odessa can now say thank you. it sounds like this: "dank-doo" lol. yeah. DANK, and DOO. LOL!!! :D

morals to my stories. 1)totally not healthy, but eat cupcakes for breakfast sometime soon. 2)even if you think you wash your kids hands enough already...wash them more. and be more diligent to wash bedding, toys, stuffed animals, etc. cause pink is lurking! 3)it doesn't matter how old your child on enunciation or else you get poo words...which...quite frankly is hilarious. :)

oh, and. parents. get your adult Pertussis(Whooping Cough) vaccine! it's going around. pretty bad. like, epidemic status. for real.

off to bed. time to go battle the night!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

no sleep. long day. bad words.

today has been pretty eventful...
...woke up early...been cleaning like a mad woman. in the process, discovered a nice collection of crumbs and old splattered oatmeal under macie's chair. ::gags:: spent about an hour and half trying to scrub off blue marker from the walls in the corner of your apartment. perfect little hiding spot for a 2 year old...grrrr.

had to do the dreaded Glucose test this morning as well. hoping for good results with that. no diabetes for me, thaaaaank YOU!

my word i am tiiiireeeeed. waking up every half hour to turn over really puts a damper on the whole "getting rest" situation. i have a nice pregnancy symptom called "Symphisis Pubis Disfunction" or SPD. Yeah. It's as bad as it sounds. Basically it feels like someone is trying to rip me apart by my "pirates" (that's what my daughter calls her private parts...) a nice firery, burning sensation, pulling, tearing, popping, cracking...ugh. rolling over takes about 2 to 5 minutes. yep. on top of waking up every few hours to take TUMS. i have acid reflux. i nice burst of lava shoots up into my throat. it's fantastic. i know, i know. i sound like a whiny brat...but let's be honest. being pregnant sucks. i am so grateful for the chance to be doing this again for a third time...but seriously...i feel like i'm going to die.

for those who read this and are pregnant: to ease the pain of SPD i soak in a tub full of epsom salts, stretch, and do pelvic tilts. for the acid relfux, tums. lot's of em. i don't recommend the use of anything like Pepcid, or Prilosec OTC, etc. i had a HORRID reaction to these meds.

my husband. i love him. a lot. i especially love him with our daughters. not so much when he teaches them to say "bad words". in my house, all kinds of things can be a bad word. today, he told my daughter to say "you a "B"!!!". yep. b. as in....bitch. not to say the actual word, but just the letter B. okay, not sooooo bad. but i can't wait for her to be in Sunday school yelling that at the teacher! he even posted that she said it on Facebook. ::slaps hand on forhead:: anyone care to share their standards on bad words??

uh oh...meltdown. gotta run.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

head first

i hate blogs.

i won't lie. they bother me.
i feel like most are a competition of who can be the most creative, have the best photos, or stories...
...yet, here i am. diving in head first.
i guess i just feel like i might have something to contribute. maybe a mom will be on her computer at 2am thinking no one out there understands what she is going through...then she will read my blog...and feel so much better. :) or something...

so here it goes.

this blog is dedicated to all women. single, dating, married, divorced...who are trying to conceive, pregnant, or have babies/toddlers/youths/teens.

enjoy. <3

macie: "mommy! mommy! mommy! mommy!" me: "yes, macie?" macie: "i want you to squish 'baby tummy' out now, please?" :D