Lillian Norah-Grey Harris graced us with her presence on September 25th at 9:27PM after 10 hours of labor and basically, no pushing. :) She came out SO fast after transition hit. She weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20in. The smallest of my three beautiful girls. :)
IT HAS BEEN CRAZY, INTENSE, INSANE, DRAMA, since we came home from the hospital! Lillian refused to sleep at night for the first 2.5 months. :P But she is doing very well now. I get at the least 6 hours at a stretch. THANK YOU JESUS.
Well. There are so many things I want to post...but I feel like getting on my soap-box regarding donating to charities. I posted on Facebook that I will be making a donation to The Marjaree Mason Center on December 23rd...and well, let's just say I haven't gotten a very good response from people. Which I just don't understand. I know SO many of my friends and family who have SO much...and I see them spending money on going to movies, concerts, fast food, clothes they don't need, shoes they don't need, candy, etc, etc, etc, and they are totally ignoring the needs of others. I have been doing the same, don't get me wrong. I'm no saint. But I just can't help but get ANGRY. I guess my question is: WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO LET GO OF THEIR STUFF/MONEY and GIVE to the NEEDY!?! Not to mention abused mother's and their abused infants/children!?!
ALL I am asking for is 1 pack of diapers, and 1 can of formula. If you get the cheap Target brand diapers you'll pay anywhere from $6.14 to $14.79 per pack. That right there, is about 2 days of fast food for most. The formula is anywhere from $15.99 to $30.00. That's a movie and snacks, or a new pair of shoes. How does this not make sense to anyone??? You can't let go of your selfish ambitions for 1 or 2 days!?! ::sigh:: Anyway...I guess that's all I have to say about that.
...I JUST WANT TO SEE PEOPLE GIVE...NOT TAKE. FOR me, and the world around you...that there are still good people in the world who care. Aspecially us know who you are...
I say this all in LOVE.
Let's make this a really great Christmas for some wonderful families everyone. Do what you can! Even if it's small. It doesn't matter. Let's Give, and Love.
I'm done.